Wednesday, August 31, 2011

::one for one + MKA::

I'm a big fan of the TOMS mission (and their slip-ons), so it's cool to see Mary Kate + Ashley Olsen partnering their brand, The Row, with the cause. I don't know if it's because I grew up watching Full House, but I think these girls are awesome.

(via here)

::the gift of food::

My friend, Cathy, pinned this amazing recipe the other day, which made the perfect birthday gift for J's mom. It was so easy + delicious (you can never go wrong with cheese).

::artist spotlight // katrine kalleklev::

I just thought these collages + illustrations by Katrine were too cool not to share.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

::coffee break // cafe stella::

Isn't this coffee shop incredible? I met up with a new friend at Cafe Stella last week. Kelsie's super talented by the way...check her out. The cafe opened about five weeks ago in Ghent (an old + perfectly quaint area in Norfolk). Not only does the coffee smell like heaven, the owner, Stella, has decorated with amazing vintage touches AND has a vintage collection for sale in the back. How cool is that painted floor?!

Monday, August 29, 2011


We've got some cool, handmade pieces hitting the shop this week. First, are these rad little photo holders made out of vintage toy blocks! There are a few styles to choose from. That one on the left is a graphic print, on the right is a large letter + animal block (a blue 'C' is on the back), and there's a smaller letter + animal one, too (can see example in the shop). Use it to hold photos, business cards, postcards and little love notes.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

::wet weekend::

After spending a day + a half indoors, it felt so nice to go to the beach today. Here's a little look at our time (J's sister + roommate had to evacuate their apartment and stayed with us) cooped up inside while Hurricane Irene soaked Virginia.

I organized my office, hung wall art and other decorations, we painted and got crafty, found neat decor tips from old books and when we finally lost power...lit every candle we had (and it looked so pretty).

p.s. I got my camera back...yay!

Friday, August 26, 2011

::shop update // for the type lovers::

A shop update of things with type. Cool, colorful labels on glass bottles, pretty stenciled pottery and of course a couple wonderfully graphic tins. I love these as storage containers for all sorts of random collections. Anything with type + vintage advertisement is perfect in my book.

1. Set of three vintage glass bottles - start your collection
2. Vintage Calumet baking powder round tin - store your pencils or buttons
3. Mayo's tobacco vintage tin box - they used these as a lunch box after all the tobacco was gone
4. Pair of small pottery crocks - add some small flowers!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

::cool bedroom::

I wouldn't mind laying my head down here every night. I love everything going on up there. The headboard to ceiling rustic wood planks, awesome light fixtures on top and sides, a fun red radio + a colorful bedspread and pillows combo. A bit of greenery always makes a space look + feel so fresh.

::wine night::

Over the weekend was a much needed wine night with friends + some jewelry making. It was so awesome to chat, create and relax. I picked 6th Sense Syrah (mostly because of the 6 but it was amazing). Nikki has an Fuji Film Instax and I'm in love.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

::fashion forward::

I love the styling and photography of these images, and of course the vintage feel. My favorite pieces are the beautiful barrettes, cutout shoulders + back-reveiling slits. There are a couple super successful ladies behind Rodarte.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's been an interesting couple weeks. Beginning to settle in here in Virginia and found a great gym to let out some daily tensions + stresses. I'd love to go on a picking adventure to the Junk Bonanza, but it's a 22 hour drive to Minnesota. Probably worth it though-- anyone wanna drive?

Here's to finding new adventures.


Monday, August 22, 2011

::she's got style // emerson fry::

I know I'm joining the club with this one, but Emerson of EmersonMade. is that girl with amazing style + adventurous personality + business savvy to the max. You can't help but want to be friends with her. Ever since I saw her fabric flower bows and signature tee's a while back, I find myself constantly adding her pieces to my wish list (my birthday is in 2 weeks- hint, hint).

Take a look at this amazing sneak peek into her perfectly decorated Farmhouse. I love the glass light fixtures + vintage accents. It's all simply beautiful. 

If you haven't developed a crush yet, you will after reading this interview.

photos: top + bottom

Friday, August 19, 2011

::don't these make you wanna...::

I did...a few times. And then I realized it's Friday, so I jumped one more time. Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend + maybe do a little JUMP. There are some pretty sweet posts planned for next week, I'm excited to share!

Thank you, thank you for all the kinda words from yesterday's post

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

::older + thank you::

I completely missed my one year [I believe the term is] blogiversary. I'm 35 days late to be exact.

I just wish I started blogging years ago. I added this in my about page, but up until I started looking at blogs over a year ago I assumed they were for political newbies and video gamers. I know, obviously a crazy misconception. I was the girl spending more time in thrift stores than malls and making greeting cards instead of running to Hallmark. Turns out, there are so many ladies (and gents!) with the same thrifty lifestyle + creative prowess that I've...met...through blogs. I'm hooked.

I've become so attached to this tiny bubble of mine on the Internet. I'm so grateful and appreciative for the friends + readers that keep coming back. Here's a big, warm THANK YOU with you name on it. Now let's party.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I remember my Dad always telling us, "family comes first." Luckily, mine is top notch.

This is the first time I've lived in a different state than my family. My brothers + their families are very close to my parent's house and my sister isn't far at UCF. Although in Florida I wasn't in the same city, it was common to meet up every week or two. I'm starting to get that homesick feeling. Or at least a Skype date is in order!

one / two

::the sign::

For some reason I find myself waiting for a sign, for something to happen, like waiting for the stars to align or a royal flush in my hand. No more waiting.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

::bohemian dream::

This is what my bohemian dream looks like.
I could (wait, I think I did) spend hours looking at these tumblr pages: this one and that one.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

::which way? // stripes::

I'm a fan of the classics. And really, how can you go wrong with stripes? They're just the perfect mix of pattern, simplicity and cleanliness. Whether it's a dress, skirt, hoodie, tote or shoe-- I'll wear it. After looking at my closet, horizontal dominates.

What do you think?

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Friday, August 12, 2011


My friend Nikki worked at lululemon athletica, a yoga/run lifestyle apparel company (I'd like to spend every waking minute in their yoga pants). This is part of their manifesto. I'll be skydiving most of Saturday, so I've got it covered.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

::shop update #2 (today)::

Vintage home decor...
1. vintage gold filigree mirror or tray -- perfect for perfume bottles, jewelry and other vanity accessories
2. pair of vintage brass deer candelabras to make your dining room table or fireplace mantle a little more fancy

::shop update::

Not just a preview this time, some pretty cool vintage goods just hit the shop. Boxes and such.

Vintage boxes make storing things look better.
1. This wooden recipe card holder comes complete with aged dividers + a typewritten peach pie recipe.
2. A perfectly aged metal Zeno Chewing Gum cash box with beautiful branding on the lid.
3. 1950's Zenith Solid State radio in avocado green...and it works! Play that funky music.

Look for another shop update later today, too!

::jewelry i can relate to::

Cool, huh? And I love the simple packaging.

source via here

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

::vintage home restoration::

Check out this awesome home restoration from Vintage Indie. I spy lots of things I want.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

::what you should know about typography::

I found this awesome infographic via LinkedIn. About the only good thing from that site for me so far.

::if i had $440 laying around::

...I'd buy this. 

The website it pretty darn cool, too!

Monday, August 08, 2011

::book preview // A Collection a Day::

In case you haven't seen this yet, do yourself a favor and scroll through a preview of Lisa Congdon's book: A Collection a Day. So cool.

vintage packaging

wooden clothespins + fishing lures

Do you have any neat collections? My most extensive collection is vintage tins. If I see one, I can't seem to pass it up. I'd love to put something like this together for different collections in my shop, too. 

Sunday, August 07, 2011

::artist spotlight // beatrice valenzuela::

I've posted about Beatrice before (here) and I loved finding this video of her from StyleLikeU. She's equal parts beautiful, resourceful, happy, creative and stylish.  If you want, check out her closet visit.

found here

Saturday, August 06, 2011

::just a preview::

I'm eager to get these amazing items in the shop. Although, my camera repair was rejected due to "intense water damage." There is a tiny bit of good. Canon has a loyalty program where you send in an old/broken piece of equipment and essentially get half off the same (refurbished) item. Beats buying a full-priced camera I suppose.

Friday, August 05, 2011

::project restyle // hold those scarves::

Let's wipe those cobwebs off the ReStyle posts and get down to business, shall we?

This one is a no brainer. I picked up the trellis for $4 at the hardware store (aka Lowe's). I kept the two posts on the bottom in case I found a neat way to display it. And now that I think about it, I could paint it, but I like the look of natural wood. For now, the pretty scarves hide the posts as it hangs on the wall. And, how about all the color it brings to a blank wall? I'll call it art.

Thursday, August 04, 2011


I picked up a bunch of these beautiful, homegrown tomatoes from a local farmer this week. There's nothing like fresh vegetables. I've been eating simple tomato sandwiches since I was little, and this one is too easy to be so good: spinach, tomato + health nut bread. I'm told I consume way too much salt, so I'm trying to limit myself (it was incredibly hard not sprinkle a little on there).

::irbw // karla's cape::

THIS, friends, is a bright one. Although her vintage dress collection is outta this world, this vintage silk embroidered cape is so eye-catching. Karla, of Karla's Closet, is bold and not afraid of color with her eclectic style. And, she pulls it off in the most glamourous way. I'm drawn to her blog because we have similar body shapes, so I love seeing how she makes things work.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

::stellar design // amy merrick's website::

Can't get over how beautiful Amy Merrick's new website is-- lovely design, layout and photography.

credit: Macon York, Bryan Gardner, Andrew Fiorillo, Erica Nikolaidis

::to dye for::

When it comes to hair, I have a few go-to hair styles: low ponytail, high messy bun, air dried waves (curling as it dries with my fingers), and a straight blow dry. Remember this post? Let's just say I'm a novice. I add little things here and there-- mainly a scarf, flower or barrette. Head scarves are one of my favorites, it's easy and incorporates pretty patterns and color. I love this hand-dyed voodoo scarf from hazel & hunter.

what's YOUR go-to hair do?

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

::labor of love::

You guys remember the sneak peek of the project I'd been working on? Well, after all the chemicals, labor and's finished and sittin' pretty in the living room.

Here's the story:
I'd been searching the local thrift, consignment and antique stores for quality furniture for our new place. J called me on a Friday telling me he'd found a furniture/antique warehouse he wanted me to check out (he does love me). You know that show American Pickers? I was exploring this huge warehouse with all sorts of rooms completely filled with stuff. I'm talking piles of chair legs, desks and tables stacked to the ceiling and mounds of old, metal ceiling tiles. With flashlight in hand (as some rooms weren't lighted), my eyes caught beautiful cast iron wheels under a heavy pile of old assembly line tracks. 

It was an old industrial factory cart. I had to see it (and have it). The owner even threw in one of those metal ceiling tiles, on the house.

I knew it'd be a labor of love and need some TLC. I'd never refinished such a large piece, but I was hooked. 

After about $100 in supplies, 4 sessions of stripping paint, sanding, staining, more sanding, sealing and scrubbing cast iron...

I love everything about it-- the lettering on the iron and wood, imperfect wood planks and the way it sounds when it moves around on those wheels. 

::wouldn't it be nice::

...if trucks filled with vintage goodies just unloaded in your driveway?



::heel yes::

Check out this awesome DIY from Geneva at a pair & a spare-- she's a DIY fashion guru. Such a fun way to add color to your feet.

This is on my to-do list. What's on yours?

Monday, August 01, 2011

::natural beauty::

...original photos from Mariana Garcia's portfolio.

::let's decorate::

Since moving into a new place, I find myself looking at more and more home decor blogs. One in particular: House of Turquoise. Erin's blog is full of that color (along with sea foam green, robin's egg blue, teal, and all the shades in between). I'm also finding new DIYs and decorative elements to add to my own space.

pattern mixing

white (er, turquoise) space is good

pops of color, everywhere
