Friday, August 31, 2012

::a grand adventure // hawaii::

A friend from college is doing the whole destination wedding thing in Maui next week. Our friend from Kentucky. When we got the invite I said, "when's the next chance we'll get to go to Hawaii?" Luckily, that was all it took to convince Jay to book the tickets. We leave today for a nice long trip. 

I'll be turning twenty-seven while we're there. Not too shabby. Most days I plan on having no plans and answering the tough questions: pina colada or strawberry daiquiri? 

I'll see you guys in a little while, hopefully with a tan. 

image source

Monday, August 27, 2012

::more than a few::

Feeling much more inspired after an overdue pinning frenzy. It's been an interesting couple weeks with lots going on-- new ventures, bike rides, ladies nights, tons of design work, multiple episodes of Breaking Bad, and an upcoming trip that seems too good to be true. 

Have a lovely week.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

::lab glass::

I  love the juxtaposition of these two pieces. A flower + laboratory glass. It's just perfect-- especially vintage flasks, test tubes and beakers.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

::artist spotlight // wood&faulk::

I've got a weak spot for leather goods (case in point). My experience working with leather on my own is limited to a pair of leather strip earrings. Just a few snips with scissors. I'd really love to make a nice bag for my camera. Lately, I've been lugging it around in an old cosmetic bag-- shameful!

When I came across Matt's work over at Wood&Faulk my jaw dropped a little. He creates top-notch pieces using mostly wood and rich leather. There's so much craftsmanship and quality that you can see in each item he produces.

Plus, there's great gift ideas for the guys in the Wood&Faulk shop. My little brother would love that ax shield and I'd love those canvas and leather bags.

Monday, August 13, 2012

::darker side::

Most of the time I'm browsing light and bright imagery, so it was a nice change to stumble upon these sepia images by RYö KöBö. They give off such a mysterious feel. Simply beautiful.

::a favorite // incubus::

This has been my favorite band since middle school. I had a friend that would usually go to their concerts when they were in our area, and she somehow always had an extra ticket. However, my parents didn't think it was wise for two middle school aged girls to go to concerts together. So, 12 years later, Jay surprised me with tickets to my first Incubus show. He took me again last year for my birthday. He really does love me.

Came across this new video of "Nice to Know You" and had to share.


Wednesday, August 08, 2012


When it comes to a home, I'm all about the details-- built-in cabinets, vintage door knobs, those oddly placed tiny windows and exposed beams. That look of tall, crisp white walls with natural wood ceiling beams is such a show stopper, and they add so much character to a home. I'm keeping my fingers crossed (tightly!) to stumbled upon some of these details when we start the house hunt.

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Tuesday, August 07, 2012

::lookbook inspiration::

I'm starting to save more style images I come across on various blogs, photog sites, editorials and Pinterest. Once I list some of the vintage clothing collection, I'd love to put together a fun lookbook. Nothing too wild. I envision more casual and candid shots in outdoor settings. There are lots of creative folks around the area and I'd love to start collaborating with others that share the same love for vintage, pretty photography, styling and adventure. 

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Monday, August 06, 2012

::color love // mint::

Yes, it's on trend, but I can't get enough of this color (my sister is addicted too)! My mom gave me a set of those juice glasses with a minty rim as an engagement gift. And I totally want that elephant head!

coral print   /   elephant   /   lamp   /   glassware   /   backpack   /   roller skate

Thursday, August 02, 2012

::an afternoon date::

Jay and I met up yesterday afternoon to finally sit and watch the new Batman movie. Yes, we called it a date. We don't go to the movies often (although we did see Moonrise Kingdom) because we usually opt for something on Netflix. I remember my Grandma recording the old Batman TV series for us. You know, the one with the "SHAZAM" and "KA-POW" graphics. The movie was awesome. Powerful music and good stories always get me.

UPDATE: I almost forgot! For Halloween my mom made me an amazing Catwoman costume. It was black spandex with silver stitching. Complete with long clip-on fingernails, pleather booties and belt. I'll try to get the photo up!


Wednesday, August 01, 2012

::back to basics::

I'm at that point where I'd like to take my whole wardrobe to Goodwill and start over. Not think twice, throw it in the bag and donate it kinda stage.

First on the list are a bunch of closet staples: plain cotton tees, nice denim, simple skirts and slip-on dresses. These are my favorites because they're classic, comfortable and easy to layer to create different looks.

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