Thursday, October 20, 2011

::DIY // inspiration (clip)boards::

Since we're just renting until we find a home one day, it's difficult to decorate the place. I'm reluctant to purchased wall decor (like this) until I know it will work in our future space. So as an alternative, I've gone for a cheaper and less wall-damaging form of wall art. I found this image and did it myself.

I'm a huge fan of mixed-media and thought this would be a perfectly easy way to incorporate lots of things that inspire me. When I spotted four clipboards on the shelf at the thrift store this weekend, I was ready to start creating...

I went through my craft drawers and picked out things too pretty to be stored away. I tried to use things with different colors, textures and materials like metal, paper, cotton, leather, and plastic. After assembling each board, I hung them on a blank wall. I'm sure they'll change often as I find new things and cross of some of the projects that are up there. 


  1. Neato! I've found a new appreciation for clip boards now :)

  2. great idea but where can I get clip boards like that?

  3. Oh wow! These look amazing. I used to do clear clipboards for moodboards if I had a project but hanging them as art works wonders! Really love that 1st and second one!


  4. they look amazing! such great idea!xx

  5. Darling!!!! Love it! xx


::thank you so much for your comment::